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;ovt Reaffirms Stance On Lead In Petrol
MOR Transport Minister Kenneth Clarke has reaffirmed the Govment's intention to cut the lead content of petrol from 0.4 to 0.15 ms per litre by the end of 1985. peaking in......
Electric Advantage
THE COMMERCIAL electri vehicle has a distinct advantag over its diesel counterpar where vulnerability to fuel pric rises is concerned, according t Dr David Porter of the......
Lucas Award
1981 MacRobert Award for Ivation in engineering has won by a team of three Lucas CAV for the design I development of the . ojector, a miniaturised in3r for small diesel engines.......
Clinically Clean For Injectors
STRATHCLYDE PTE has refurbished an area ofits Larkfield works tc deal specifically with fuel injection equipment. The floor has been surfaced with quarry tiles, the wall with......