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Army Driver Champion Must Undergo Tests Spread Over Five...
R EVEILLE. on Monday next will come bright and early for the 543 competitors inthe Army Driving Championship which covers a route of about 1,200 miles and occupies five days.......
Science Of Transport I.o.t. Style
IF allowed to grow unchecked by scientific analysis, transport could develop until each nation possessed a collection of bankrupt public services alongside an astronomical fleet......
Socialists Stick To Their Policy
THE Labbur Party conference at Scar". borough, last Friday, unanimously condemned the Government's policy on transport, because it was "inimical to the , co-ordination and......
T.r.t.a. Chief Lashes Out At Tax Plan
S UGGESTIONS by certain members of Parliament that there should be a discriminatory ton-mileage tax on Clicence vehicles were attacked last 'week by Mr. S. C. Bond,. president......