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Action Threat Hits Linkman
by Juliet Parish • Linkman Tankers faces the threat of industrial action at Purfleet after a conciliation body failed to resolve a year-long battle to impose c o nditions which......
Marshalls Shortens Consultation Time
• Commercial vehicle manufacturer and aircraft refurbisher Marshalls of Cambridge will be taken to an industrial tribunal unless it extends the consultation period it gives its......
Parent Problems For Ctr
• Uncertainty hung over the future of Central Trailer Rentco this week as parent 'company Tiphook acknowledged financial problems. A Tiphook spokesman said the company was "not......
Stormont Owes £25m
• Receivers of one of the biggest truck, van and car hire companies in the south-east have revealed that the company owes around £25m, mainly to finance house UDT and Ford Motor......