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Tightening One's Purse Strings
As someone who likes to watch the pennies himself (skinflint is thy middle nameāEd) the Hawk approves of the Queen's cost-cutting measures which have seen the Royal household's......
Capturing The Past
The Hawk has become something eta bookworm of late. This week the reading specs were on for Gloucestershire Goods and Service Vehicles by Colin Martin. Martin has compiled over......
A Tiny Snail Might Be About To Achieve What Hoards
of road protesters can only dream about. The presence of Vertigo Moulinsiana, Des Moulins Whorl snail to his mates, in the ancient woodland of Charleville Wood, is threatening......
Fifteen Years Ago When Bernd Peukert From Trebbin, In What
was then East Germany, bought this vehicle the choice was simple: You could have any car you like as long as it was a Trabant. Put like that, Bernd opted for a Trabant. However......