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They Don't Work Long Hours For Fun'
TRTA MEETING ON DRIVERS' PAY 4,41cr 0 transport operation is truly effi cient unless there is active and positive co-operation between management and men", said Mr. J. S.......
New Roll-on Ship For Ifs
T HE Transport Ferry Service has placed an order with Swan Hunter and Wigharn Richardson for a new roll-on/roll-off ship which will come into service in the late autumn of 1967.......
Eec To Inquire Into Wages
T HE EEC Commission has asked the Council to authorize an inquiry into the wages paid by the road transport industry. It would be carried out in 1967 and cover 1966 and would......
Swiss Clearance Centre
NEW clearance depot has been set up at Cadenazzo by Sviluppo Traffici Internazional. The depot will provide a great impetus to expedite and develop containerized traffic by road......
No Aberdeen Contest Pec Ause Of Lack Of Sufficient...
a decision to restrict them to the city limits) the Aberdeen eliminating round of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition has been cancelled. The entries received have been......