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How To Handle Highly Flammable Liquids
• "The Handling and Storage of Some Highly Flammable Liquids is the title of a booklet issued by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Imperial Chemical House, Mil'bank, London.......
Top Ten Transport Research Projects
• A list of major sources of transport research information, including the scope of coverage, the availability of research referred to. and the cost of obtaining it, is......
Cummins Engines For Mexico
• An order for 3,200 automotive diesel engines worth more than Cl 3m has been placed with the Darlington plant of the Cummins Engine Co. Ltd., by Diesel Nacional (DINA) of......
Metalair Venture In South Africa
• Metalair Ltd., a subsidiary of English and Overseas Investments Ltd., has entered into a joint venture in South Africa with the Leyland Motor Corporation of South Africa Ltd.......
Ambulance Orders In North East
• Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation is to spend nearly £10,000 on the purchase of five ambulances. The Minories Garages Ltd., Newcastle, will supply two ambulances. Charles G. S.......