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Haulage Boss Jailed For Huge Drugs Stash
11 by Chris Tindall A haulage boss has been jailed for smuggling drugs with a street value of more than £1m and attempting to launder the proceeds, Victor Davies, of......
Ciggies Found In False Floor
• Three men have been arrested in east Nottingham after Customs & Excise officers from Derby found one million cigarettes under the false floor of a lorry. The noon, one Polish......
Es Forced Into City Centre
• Heavily congested roads round Aberdeen are forcing 90% of HGV drivers into the city centre, bringing misery to residents and businesses alike. The results come from a survey......
Draw Up Your Battle Plans, Warns Report
• Vehicle operators are being advised to adopt battle plans for survival after research has shown a big shake-out of underperformers is imminent. Financial analyst Plimsoll......