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Echoes from the past • By coincidence rather than design, three new road transport books provide a fascinating trio of accounts of the development of the commercial vehicle.......
International Truck Makers
• Did you know that Rudolf Diesel's experiments with the compression-ignition oil engine that now bears his name were undertaken in the MAN works at Nuremburg? Or that Peugeot......
Diesel Development And Design
• Edited by D. S. D. Williams and revised by Mr. Williams, R. J. B. Keig and John M. Dickson-Simpson, the 14th edition of The Modern Diesel -Development and Design gives an......
Abc's New Freight Guide
• January 1973 will see the first issue r the ABC Freight Guide, a twice-yearl publication produced by ABC Tray Guides Ltd and designed for use by concerned with the movement of......