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Pray-applied ,eak Finder
'IND1NG small leaks in pressurised ystems is not always easy. But now tocas site safety division is offering a pray-applied leak detector which is apable of revealing the......
Tow For New Swb Transits
TOWING equipmem specialist DixonBate of Clwyd has added a towing bracket for the new Ford Transit shortwheelbase van to its range of light commercial and 4x4 towing hitches. The......
Instant Traction
INSTANT traction, is the claim by Verbena of Radlett for its Super Grippers — two metal and rubber strips which can be placed in front of the wheels of a vehicle stuck in mud or......
Vehicle Recognition
A RELATIVELY low cost, computerbased automatic vehicle recognition system (AVR) has been developed by Frontier Gate Systems, the Birminghambased manufacturer of security......
Check Up On Drive Belts
KENT-MOORE has added a drive-belt tension gauge to its range of garage and workshop equipment. The K M4088 Timing gauge is suitable for checking the tension on drive belts up to......