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• Undergrads For A Day
Last Friday the South Midlands district of BRSL lifted transport and distribution managers from their natural environment and dropped them amid the cloisters and panelled walls......
• Celtic War?
CM's recent story about coach operation in and around Tredegar seems to have raised some Welsh ire. When a Scot calls a Welsh town of 20,000 souls "a village" the singing in the......
• Too Much
I've just had a note from a haulage engineer Who is irate about something completely different: a letter from an engineering and service company telling him that in future a......
• Predictions Arguments Over The Industrial Relations...
to reverberate until—and perhaps—beyond—its passing into law. NALGO, a party to setting up national negotiating machinery for the staffs of PTEs, hazards some intriguing guesses......
• Oh L!
Driving a bus is easier than driving a car, according to Dundee's latest clippie turned driver. Mrs Elizabeth Brindley has a provisional driving licence for her car but last......
• Ancient Wisdom
That lively PR agency Woolf, Lang, Christie and Partners which occupies offices in High Holborn (and which numbers Fiat among its UK accounts) is noted for turning up with......