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;traw In Heir Ears
'VOULD like to make one small ply to LT chairman Ralph mnett's statement (CM. May 1). He says: - Under LT's bus an, new schedules had been troduced which were deped to provide......
2erman Nemoir
HAD a distinct déjà vu sensaon when I read the item eaded "Faithful but gormless" 7,M, May 18) by the Hawk. inly the previous day I had een reminiscing about a )uring holiday my......
Backing Britain
I REFER to the article 4. May 11) - UK builders export world wide." With figures like 127,439 vehicles exported, worth £441m, compared with America's figure of 8,000, why the......
Surprising Omission
YOUR FEATURE "Don't be caught on the Continent" (CM, June 1, 1979) contains a surprising omission in that it does not mention the assistance available from trade associa tions.......
Depression In Blackpoo
THIS YEAR'S National Coat Rally at Blackpool was held miserable weather which r doubt depressed your writer much as everyone else. You vr appreciate that we have no co trol over......