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H Ad He Not Retired At The End Of Last Year,
George Bailey, a telephone lineman working in Hertfordshire, would probably have become only the fourth person ever to qualify for RoSPA's national safedriving award for the......
Y He British Photographer Who Best Illustrates The Theme,...
with Mazda cars and trucks," stands to win £250 in a competition sponsored by Mazda Cars (UK). There are second and third prizes of £150 and £100. Mazda dealers can supply entry......
A Barn Dance At Top Farm Museum, West Hardwick, Will Strike
a rustic note during a weekend rave-up from July 19-21 by the Historic Commercial Vehicle Society at Thornes Park, Wakefield. The event is sponsored by Northern Commercials......
C Headle's First Steam And Vintage Vehicle Rally Last...
so successful that it is to be repeated over the weekend of July 13-14 at Brookhouses. It will be backed by supporting events, such as a dog show and gymkhana. Roy Tideswell, of......
])ray For Fine Weather On July 5. That Evening The
London Symphony Orchestra is to play Schubert, Mozart and Strauss in the delightful floodlit grounds of Lynwood, Snnninghill, Berks, the home of the Motor and Cycle Trades......
W Hile Commercial-vehicle While
exploit the pulling power of the heavy brigade at athletic and other meetings, British Rail Provincial Services arc cultivating the swift in a three-year £150,000 sponsorship......
D On't Say It With Fruit As Well As Flowers —
and not because to do so might be regarded as ostentatious. This advice conies from J. Visbeen, a Dutch operator of some 50 DAFs, along with other vehicles, who carries largely......
I 4 Ike Holland, The Channel Islands Have A Vigorous...
in the flowers that bloom in the spring — and in the summer, too, for that matter. Channel Express, the Guernsey airline is, I hear, doing record business this year in the......