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'nationalizing Pipelines By Back Door'
ENTY-TWO Tory M.P.s have r tabled a motion, bluntly headed Nationalization of Pipelines ", expressin g concern at the a g reement, reported last week, which could g ive the......
In The Pious E This Week
MR. MARPLES was asked in the IV". Commons this week to ensure that all road vehicles transporting coal were sheeted down to avoid dan g er to motorists by the dischar g e of......
Coal Depots Cove Red By Shops Bill W Hat Mr. John
Hare, the Minister of Labour, described as an outstanding chan g e was last week made in the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Bill—its provisions were extended to cover coal......
Motorway Safety Measures Revealed A Trial Of Further...
I - 1 preventing dazzle is now being considered by the Ministry of Transport, but the department cannot yet say on which motorway it will be made. Mr. John Hay, who reported......
No Charge For Escorts When Mr. Simon Win G Field Di G By Vi'
(Cons., Dorset West) su gg ested in the Commons last week that there should be a char g e for thc cost of police escorts for bulk loads, so •that there could be some......
Fewer Accidents S Ince 1960 There Had Been A Year By
year drop in the number of goods vehicles over 30 cwt. unladen wei g ht involved in fatal and serious accidents, reported Mr. Marples last week. in a Commons answer, he said......
Covent Garden Report T He Covent Garden Market Authority...
received by now the professional consultants' report on where the new market should be built. Lord St. Oswald, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of A g riculture,......
Lights Test Rejected
IT would not be appropriate to consider an annual test of li g htin g e q uipment on all vehicles over 30 cwt. separately from one that covered other items such as brakes and......
No Tanker Regulations M R. Marples Last Week Turned Down A
suggestion . that he should introduce special safety re g ulations for road tanker vehicles. He was not aware of any need for this, the Minister told Mr. Donald Box (Cons.,......
Dr. Beeching's Report Nr. Beeching's Plan For Railway Li...
was "far too good a report not to publish it ", commented Mr. John Hay when M.P.s questioned him last week about railway policy, and sou g ht an assurance that the report would......