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Chieftain Confusion
• In the issue of Commercial Motor dated 1-7 February there is an article quoting Vanguard Engineering as moving a 55-tonne Chieftain tank on page 6. I would just like to point......
No Worries
• As head of a motor centre for the delivery of Motor Vehicle Course with a considerable commitment to the delivery of CPC material by open learning and traditional means, I......
Cabriolet Confrontation • I Am Sorry That Your Pages Are
being used to expose our effrontery in naming our latest product Tautliner "Cabriolet" by our friends at Wilson's (CM 1-7 February). May I remind your readers that in 1970 we......
Superior Suspensions
• We were surprised to read in the news story entitled "Steel or air suspension battle?" (CM 22-28 February), the comments made by David Rimmer. In predicting that steel......