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Coaches Wanted In Egypt.
The Ramleh Electric Railway. Administration is calliag for tenders, which have to be presented in Egypt by December 16, 1935, for the supply of a number of 25-seater oil-engined......
Important Trade-plate Case Won
W IIAT was described by counsel as " an important 'point which has aroused wide interest in the trade,." was discussed at the Sotith Western Police Court, London. Mr. Alfred......
Scope Of Ridgewell Decision
A . a sitting of the North-Western r3.Deputy Licensing Authority, Messrs. Atkins and Sons, of Bootle, applied for A licences in respect of two vehicles. Mr. James Atkins, 14,......
Tin Industry Prefers Road Transport
THE importance of road transport to the tin, steel and other heavy industries was emphasized in an application to the South Wales Licensing Authority. The Authority was asked to......