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Tons Up • At Dover
THE AVERAGE lorry loac moving through the Port ol Dover is increasing, according tc the Dover Harbour Board. While the numbers of lorriez passing through the port ie down for......
Land Rover's Own Trailer
SCOTTORN Trailers Ltd have introduced a 3.54-tonne (3½ ton) semitrailer for use with Land-Rovers. The semi-trailer is fitted with two loading ramps and a one-ton winch for......
United Are United
JNITED Glass Containers has cquired Robson's Border • ransport, the Carlisle general aulage and warehousing busieSS. Robson's will now come vithin the sphere of United ;lass......
Govt Tread Carefully
THE GOVERNMENT hopes to re ceive substantive proposals fo a Channel Tunnel, includini financial details, by the end o the year. Junior Transport Ministe Kenneth Clarke,......