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• France Discounts
Renault Vehicules lndustriels (RVI) is making a determined effort to maintain its leading position. Although the poor registration statistics for 1985 have been overcome, the......
• France Unloading Accidents
A French health insurance company commissioned a study of accidents occurring with tankers during loading and unloading, of which about 3,000 occur every year in France — mainly......
• France Algerian Grain
Sisma, (Societe 1nel d'Inspection et de Service Maritime), a Paris-based international shipping, inspection and control firm, has signed a contract with the Algerian Government......
• France Fuel Tax
According to the French excise department, fuel taxes brought in 418 million francs in 1985. HGV registrations were up by 1.78% to 242,313 vehicles. Trucks with two axles were......
Ii Germany Tyre Research
A major accident occurred in Dortmund six years ago when an artic's front nearside tyre burst as the driver was overtaking and the trailer swung round, demolishing the central......
• Germany Amphibious Truck
Krupp Group member company Gesellschaft fur Systemtechnik aims to have an amphibious truck in production by the end of the year. It is intended primarily for combating oil......
• Holland Cargo-link
Cargo-Link, of Rotterdam, a division of Euro-Link, Antwerp, has moved over 8,000 tonnes of freight in its first quarter in operation in the Port of Rotterdam.......
• Hungary Traffic
The volume of traffic using Hungary's north-western border crossings is up this year, at some places by more than 10%, compared with 1985. In July 10,000 lorries crossed at......
• Hungary Emirates Base
Dubai may become the marketing base for the Hungarian motor industry in the Emirates, and as a possible first step 20 Raba trucks have been ordered for delivery this year. The......
• Usa Research
The United States National Research Council, releasing the results of a two-year study, has concluded that twin trailers have slightly more accidents than single......
• Usa Licence
Senator John Danforth has introduced a bill in the United States Senate to introduce one uniform licence for truck drivers and bus drivers. The licence would be issued by the......
• Usa Buy Out
Uniroyal's Power Transmission Company has been bought by Gates Rubber, largest subsidiary of the Gates Corporation of Denver, worldwide producer of automotive and industrial......