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Livestock H Auhers Under Attack
• The RSPCA has lost its Hi g h Court bid to stop hauliers takin g live sheep to France, but it is considering either an appeal, or takin g the case directly to the European......
Dery Down?
• Dery prices could fall this week if the Gulf situation does not worsen, says fuel analyst Oil Price Assessment. Building sights • The Government has earmarked ElilOni for road......
Mcalpine Strikers Win Rates Review
• Strikin g owner-drivers at Alfred McAlpine quarries in South Wales returned to work last week after failing to win an immediate increase in rates. But McAlpine has agreed to......
Going East
• Bulgarian transport workers will he given tips on pay bargaining by Frank Griffm, general secretary of the United Road Transport Union, when he visits the country on 23......
Vi Plans To Check Cv Recall System
• The Vehicle Inspectorate has announced plans to audit the recall systems of truck, bus and trailer builders. However car makers will be affected first and it will be several......