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Tgwu Wants £10 More In Scotland
• The Transport and General Workers Union has put in its second driver's pay claim for 1988 — this time to the Scottish joint industrial council, which includes the RHA's......
Brs Western Strike
• Almost all of British Coal's transport operations in South Wales have been subcontracted to BRS Western in the largest contract yet won by the NFC subsidiary. The contract,......
British Roads: Busiest In Europe
• Britain has the busiest roads in Europe — yet we come bottom of the league when it comes to spending money them, according to a report out this week. Britain has an average of......
• Animal Rights Activists Are Thought To Be Behind An
arson attack on five commercial vehicles at the premises of Shoreham-based Quickburgers, causing over £200,000 worth of damage. Sussex Police say the attack took place between......