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Events 1ms Looks At Bs5750
• The transportation specialist group of the Institute of Management Services is to hold a seminar on the importance of BS5750 to the transport industry. The one-day seminar on......
Recycling And Cleansing, Will Be Opened By Environment...
Contact Amanda McEwan on (0707) 275641. Fog on the road • Need to know how to cut through the smog of EC regulations on the roads? The Institute of Energy is hosting a......
= Elmia
similar event next year. It will be held in JOnkOping on 24-28 August. Contact (036) 15-20-00. BAR talks • Moving out of recession is the upbeat title of the British Association......
F71111FILMUF Fruehauf's law • A guide to the 1993 laws on construction and weight changes for 35tonne vehicles has been published by Fruehauf. It is available free to all......
Road News Delays Roundup
• Drivers are warned of the following delays: — the A2 Rochester Way at Welling, where maintenance will last until the end of the year. — A406 North Circular Road, where road......
• For the latest information on the roadworks and road restrictions nationwide contact one of the AA Hotline numbers listed below. AA Hotlines (0836) 401 111 West Country.......