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Ndustry Must ,erve Operators
YERS of vehicles are ig for after sales service technical advice," said n's joint managing direc)avid Foden this week, the small makers are in a ion to give it". eaking to 450......
Bc To Ean Up
ARLIAMENTARY report mmending that the inter m the capital debt of the onal Bus Company should )aid by grant from the ernment was published erd ay (Thursday). le report, from the......
Green Light For Peugeot
IT IS NOW certain that the Government has approved the deal that would give the French Peugeot/Citroen combine control of Chrysler UK. As CM went to press it was expected that......
Better Service At Areas Needed
BETTER quality food and more value for money and higher standards are something that drivers have a right to expect from motorway service areas says the latest volume of the......