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Standards Of Recovery
• I read with interest your recent article regarding BS5750 relating to the recovery industry. As an Al H Member of the Association of Vehicle Recovery Operatives (AVRO) I feel......
Independent Analysis
• Your article "Tough Talk on Tachos" (CM 13-19 Feb) was one of several articles published in transport magazines, all of which implied that a European Society of Tachograph......
Waste Weapon
• I read with interest Jeff Cooper's letter "LWRA On the Warpath" (CM 26 March-1 April). It's good to know there are vigorous regulators ready to use the full range of powers at......
Commercial Motor Welcomes Readers' Letters, Which Can Be...
on 081-652 3689 (24-hour service). Letters, which should be typed double spaced, may be edited for length and do not necessarily represent the views of the editor.......