16th August 1963, Page 7
16th August 1963
Page 7

Page 7, 16th August 1963
Rransport Consultant Accused Of False Statements
IONED at Marlborou g h St. don) Court at the instance of the of Transport, Ralph C. F. , of London, W.C.1, and k A. Castle, of Farnborou g h Hill, leaded not g uilty to......
Computer Used To Cut Delivery Costs A N Increase In
efficiency of from 10 to -1-1 20 per cent is clai m ed from the use of a computer pro g ramme recently developed at the IBM Data Centre, • at 101 Wi g more Street, London, W.I.......
Darlington Hauliers Taken Over By Tayforth Group Pp Oad...
(FORTH) LTD., of IN. Falkirk, a Member of the Tayforth Group, has ac q uired the general haula g e businesses of Darlin g ton Haula g e Ltd., and Aycliffe Transport Services......