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Harrison Fined
• Gross and second axle overloads cost Sheffield haulier S Harrison & Sons (Transport) £250 in fines and costs when it appeared before Lichfield Magistrates. The company denied......
Barron Waiting
• A bid for a new national licence by Durham ownerdriver Frederick Barron has been adjourned for further enquiries by North Eastern Deputy Licencing Authority George Smedley......
Acorn Fined On Tachos
• A West Midland company which operated six vehicles not specified on its operator's licence has been ordered to pay fines and costs totalling £650 by the Atherstone......
In Brief
HSO wins bids • Highland Scottish Omnibuses has been successful in a hid for licence authority for three new bus services despite objections from Highland Regional Council that......
Ashe Case Adjourned
• Liverpool's stipendiary magistrate has adjourned the hearing of overloading allegations against TF Ashe & Nephew and lorry driver Alan Dawson. The case, re-scheduled for......