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New Silencers For Fleetline D-deckers
• Special silencers — similar to those used on single-deckers — are being fitted to London Transport's Daimler Fleetline Londoner double-deckers in an effort to reduce noise and......
W. Midlands Smoking Ban?
• A "no smoking" on buses ban has been recommended unanimously by the West Central area advisory committee of the West Midlands PTA. And the Authority is also to be asked to......
Success For Strachans' Pacemaker
• Production of Strachans' 16-seater PaceMaker body on Ford Transit chassis is now running at seven a week, the company reports. Over half of these are converted for use by......
Cold Discomfort On Dirty Buses
• Western SMT bus crews at Paisley and Johnstone depots are protesting over alleged cold, dirty and defective buses. The crews are complaining that while buses are technically......
Mpte's Bus Rail Tickets
• Combined bus-rail tickets were introduced by Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive this week. The return ticket, price 30p, covers travel on Ribble's C2 bus service from......