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Ni Wants Bigger Slice
• Renault Trucks "performed quite well" last year says sales and international affairs director Shemaya Levy, and despite a poor showing in the UK, Renault's worldwide......
Continental Plan For Tip Tankers
• TIP is to expand its tanker rental division onto the Continent and Rotterdam and Hamburg look set to be the company's first European centres. TIP says: "We see great potential......
Batrum Expands To Go Nationwide
• Nationwide distribution business is the goal of Suffolkbased Bartrum Group, which is spending more than E250,000 to establish new operating centres at Swindon, Stoke-onTrent......
Stop Po Monopoly Plea
• TNT Express UK is making a fresh plea to the Government to end the Post Office's monopoly following the latest report from the Adam Smith Institute. The report says the Post......
• Perkins Engines Is Awaiting The Results Of A Department
of the Environment planning enquiry to give the go-ahead for a major development in Shrewsbury. The engine manufacturer wants to build a new manufacturing plant at its Sentinel......