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Registrations Down 20pc
ACCORDING to figures published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) psv registrations dropped by more than 20 per cent during 1981. Despite operators taking......
Fares Hint For Glc
IN A MEETING with Greater London Council leader Ken Livingstone and transport committee chairman Dave Wetzel, Transport Secretary David Howell made it clear that the Government......
Even More Bendies
ROESELARE Sales Ltd, the concessionaire for Belg Jonckheere coach bodies, I! sell both double-deck and a ulated coach bodies in Britaii In conjunction with Volvo (Great......
Another Bromley
SOLIHULL Council is takin leaf out of Bromley's contra sial book, and is threateninl take West Midlands Metro' tan County Council to the Court over its cheap fares po It has......