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Greeks May Resume Road Blockade
• The British Embassy in Athens is advising hauliers to avoid Greece over the next few weeks because farmers are threatening to resume their blockades. It is believed that 20......
Sleepy Driver Goes Free
by John Bell • A sleepy lorry driver who killed two car passengers walked away from court last week after the judge accepted the driver could do nothing about his fatigue. John......
Ii A Worldwide Organisation Of Judges And Lawyers Is Backing
the campaign to free British lorry driver Steve Bryant from his Moroccan jail. The Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has told the UK legal pressure group......
• Poland Leads Eastern European Countries For Delays At...
according to new figures produced by the International Road transport Union. Delays for hauliers at several Polish borders regularly top 24 hours and can take up to 55 hours at......