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No Guide From Rha
THE ROAD Haulage Association will not publish a guide book on the new Operators' Licence Regulations. The RHA says it was consulted fully and frequently on the content of the......
Bus Guidance
A NEW bus guidance system, developed by Mercedes, for use in narrow city centres is being tried as an experiment in Fuerth, West Germany. Over a stretch of nearly half a mile,......
No U Turn Yet
THE changes the Greater London Council has made to the experimental scheme at the junction of the A4 with Northend Road are inadequate, Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley has......
Nbc Makes A F47m Profit
THE NATIONAL Bus Company made an operating profit of &Pm in 1983 according to its annual report published this week. This is an improvement of E8m on the previous year. Over the......
A NEW Mercedes 814, 7.5-tonner will soon be on its way to the Himalayas. The vehicle has been given to the Austrian Karakorum Expedition for an overland journey from Vienna to......