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Import Has Wrong Spec For Uk
Ne by Peter Lawton An owner-driver who shipped his Canadian Volvo back to Britain has found himself landed with an expensive white elephant. Michael McDermott brought his......
Use Work Unifleet, The In-house Fleet For North-west...
Norweb, is taking delivery of 14 new Seddon Atkinson Stratos. The 26.305Ms join 40 other Seddons in a 400-strong fleet. They will transport waste sludge to and from 622 sites in......
Mier Inirranty From 28 March Isuzu Will Be Extending The
warranties on its entire range of CVs to three years with unlimited distance. The company has also contracted with the RAC to offer three years of Roadside Assistance. lsuzus......
Champs Somoin Citroen Is Celebrating The Production Of...
C15 Champ, which first hit the market in 1984. This year's sales are up liss an last year, and Citroen plans to offer the van in the UK for at least another two years.......
Transit Prices Ford Has Announced Prices For The New Transit
van, which goes on sale next Thursday. Prices have increased by an average of less than 1% over the previous model, despite improved specifications. For details see next week's......
Enamor Vms Glasgow City Council Has Ordered £3m Worth Of
I_DVs, bringing the total in its fleet to BOO. The latest batch comprises 29 vans and 125 minibuses.......
Shunter Stop Shunter Manufacturer Terberg Benschop Is...
shop through Yorkshire-based Distribution Tractor Services. Services on offer include vehicle sourcing, design. refurbishment and aftermarket support.......
Erf Hones Fuel Duel Scheme
• FRE has unveiled the operational details of its latest Fuel Duel exercise. The major change is that Fuel Duel booXings will be made through an operator's local dealership......
Upgraded Fm Joins Tim Fleet
When TOG specced up the latest Volvo FM to join its fleet, versatility was a top priority. The tag-axle 6x2 tractor is working on new logging contracts, as well as tipping and......