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• Middlesborough-based Econofreight Heavy Transport Has...
fob of the Year award, presented by the Specialised Carriers & Rigging Association, by beating off competition from Alaskan, Canadian and Danish companies. EHT was selected for......
Iveco Ford Counts The Cost
• Iveco Ford Truck's board of directors describes the company's first six months trading resuslts as "better than projected" — despite having lost £22 million in that period.......
• The Road Haulage Association Has Launched Its Own Safe
Driving Award Scheme designed to "show the Government, and the public, that the members of the RHA and their drivers are taking positive action to improve road safety." The......
Xports Hi Is Action Spreads
• Dover's customs men decided to prolong the agony this week and extend their goslow work-to-rule for 72 hours from lOpm Sunday night, 10 May. They had already orchestrated a......
Renault Plans Non Hgv Attad
• Renault Truck Industries intends to sharpen its attack on the lucrative UK 7.5-tonne sector by bringing in a premium lightweight truck from France, fully built-up, from......