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Au. Power Pollutes • It Would Be A Worthwhile Effort
for the RI-IA to clarify exactly what is or is not an environmental issue. If Ms Hanna's letter (CM 2-8 November) is any guide, Transport 2000 would be greatly helped by such......
Call For Tolls • Having Spent Another Frustrating Day Stuck
in a series of traffic jams and getting further and further behind schedule, I just wanted to say that the sooner they bring in toll motorways the better. Just so long as the......
!retarder Awareness • Referring To The Memoirs Of...
tester", (CM 26 October-1 November), it does not seem wholly appropriate to describe the operators of some 500,000 Telma retarders over the years as "gullible". There are......
Confusion Recovered • In The Article "euro-wide Aid Plan For
hauliers" (CM 5-11 October), you refer to RAC Octagon Recovery as the "AA's truck recovery organisation". May I just clear up any confusion. Octagon Recovery is alive, extremely......