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• 27-30 April: Automotive Trade Show organised by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders at the National Exhibition Centre. Cost: Free Contact: 0171 235 7000.......
Appointments Atkinson
• Seddon Atkinson has appointed Peter Kay as materials manager. He has previously worked for Leyland Truck, Daf and Lucas Industries.......
• Tanktainer Thurroclean has taken on David Mearns as its new commercial manager responsible for new business and dealing with major clients. He joins from TNT Express Worldwide......
Tyre Industry
• Brian Smith has been named as the new chairman of The Tyre Industry Group. Smith, MD of Continental Tyre Group, succeeds Chuck Davis, general sales manager of Michelin Tyre......
/ms • Ims, Based In I ,oughborough, Has Appointed Barry
Lucken as service engineer to join its after-sales and service team. He previously spent seven years in the Royal Navy as a marine engineering mechanic.......
West Coast Cold Storage
• W e st Coast Cold Storage has named Chris Sturman as successor to managing director Ian Lister. He will take over in May. Sturman's previous experience includes NFC, Ross......
Services Ro-ro Package
• Dover-based Harbour Shipping, part of Star Cargo, has launched a package deal for ro-ro bookings including motorway tolls and tunnel crossings.......
Beyond Darfford
• Jacobs Holdings has secured a deal with EH Harms for a new ro-ro service from Jacobs' Thames' Europort at Dartford to Bremerhaven, Germany.......
Publications Red Alert
• The Transport of Dangerous Goods is now in its third edition with updated modal regulations and the 1996 Orange book. Available from PIRA: 01372 802079. Price 145: 10%......
Good Neighbours
• Location is not the only consideration: A guide to location industrial facilities is now available from the Institute of Logistics: 01536 205500. Price 135 (members) £50......
Moves Lynx In Hellaby
• Lynx Express, which is investing more than Lim in its network infrastructure, has unveiled plans for a new branch at Hellaby, Rotherham.......
A £500 Reward Has Been Offered For Information Leading To...
return of a Mercedes Benz 2421 six-wheel mortar carrier that was taken from Hucknall, near Nottingham, on Good Friday. It has a beige cab and grey body and is thought to have......
A Fully-loaded Removals Truck Was Taken From Outside A...
Wolverhampton after being left for just 20 minutes. The locked Bedford 7.5 tanner with a Luton body was stolen from George Davis Removals between 11:30 and 12:00hrs on 18 March.......