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Toll Road Moves Attacked Naoves To Introduce Toll Roads In
11'1 Britain and the lack of a national parking policy are strongly attacked by the Roads Campaign Council in the August issueof their news magazine, Highway Times, On tolls,......
Homalloy (yorkshire) Expansion Plans
T O enable them to accept a wider range of work on larger vehicles and to offer facilities for body repairs from the South Yorkshire area, Homalloy (Yorkshire), Ltd., of......
Ministries To Be Tougher With Roadbuilders
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Transport Ministry, and Scottish Home Department are to get tougher with contractors who fail to build roads in the time specified by......
Ribble's Carlisle—kendal Increases Grant
B US fares in Carlisle and Kendal and places between the two towns are to go up from August 25. An application by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to increase the fares on a mileage......
Glasgow Loss Forecast For 1962-63
A LTHOUGH Glasgow's municipal transport services are expected to show a loss of £25,500 in 1962-63, no further fares increases are contemplated during the year. This estimated......