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I Help R M R Nsport
AN PORT Minister Nor n F wler has announced es of the four advisors o e to assist Sir Arthur nit e, the Government's epe dent investigator into rie people and the en ) nt. dl ut......
Drivers Pay: £1 00 A Week On Horizon
DRIVERS for a major transport group may soon break the magic 000-a-week basic barrier. Negotiations are understood to be going on over the weekly basic rate — and a 50 per cent......
Piggyback Relaunch
GERMAN Railways is to begin marketing its Kombiverkhr piggyback services later this year at the Road Haulage Association Road Transport Show in Brighton. And this week a......
Top Weight Economy
ERF CHAIRMAN and managing director Peter Foden told shareholders that the Government must increase maximum weights for heavy vehicles to help save fuel and cut costs. He said......