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Chalker Reassures On Motorway Limits
1ACH OPERATORS need not fear any reduction of the rtorway speed limit damaging the potential of their exIss services provided they behave responsibly, Transport nister Lynda......
,runch Ahead
E BIG CRUNCH on new bus I coach sales is still some inths away, judging by the ciety of Motor Manufacturers I Traders figures published t week. "hey plot a 2.5 per cent drop in......
No Deregulation Private Operators Wishing To Compete Or...
operations into the stage carriage sector should have more opportunity in future although no more liberalisation of road service licensing is planned. Mrs Chalker said that both......
Tours Ruling
CHARGES against Wallace Arnold Tours, alleging the operation of stage services without a road service licence because the company offered optional excursions to passengers on a......