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Prizes Galore
es, it's that time of year again. Fortified by a tumbler of mother's ruin and a couple of splendidly fruity mince pies bagged at the vicar's Christmas fete, the Hawk has decided......
1. Weather The Winter With Dunlop
lj irst out of Santa's bag is SP Tyres UK, the Birmingham-based manufacturer of Dunlop tyres. These kindly Midlands folk have provided two seriously heavyweight padded jackets......
2. Christmas Cheer From Whitbread
hat better way to relax at Christmas than to turn the telly off awhile and pore over a full-colour history of brewery transport, suitable beverage in hand. Whitbread-250 Years......
3. Free Trucks From Iveco Ford
y goodness it's true! Those popfabtabuious folk at Iveco Ford, who are so nice it makes you want to send them a Christmas card, have responded to the Hawk's appeal by sending a......
4. Posh Trucking Tunes From Leyland Daf
ith the revival of popular interest in classical music, the Hawk suspects many a trucker has consigned Texas Sam and his Yodelling Coyotes to the back of the trailer for a taste......
5. Foden Toughs It Out
ou won't catch a cold if you stick with those hardy citizens of Sandbach, Cheshire who have been making trucks even longer than the Hawk has been in long trousers. They......