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Employing Commercial Vehicles For Pleasure Purposes
L AST May I acquired a three-wheeled van, as the result of inserting a small advertisement in your journal. Having obtained a C licence, I sought your advice as to the position......
Effects Of Sulphur Content Of Diesel Fuel A Propos The
letter from R. J. Ginn, M.B.E., " published in your issue dated January 27, I am surprised to observe the sweeping manner in which he dismisses all the laboratory data that have......
How Old Is The Lost -wax Casting Process?
\/ \ TOUR reference under "Passing Comments" in your 'OUR dated February 3, to the value of the " lostwax " method of casting did not mention how long this practice has been......
It's Your Turn Now!
says E. H. B. Palmer, 0.B.E., F.R.S.A. A S the Election approaches, there is uncertainty in the air. The barometer is unsteady, but next Thursday we shall have a chance to tap......