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Viany Will Vote Vith Their Feet...
1ER 37 years as an HGV river I now wonder if the job is ping to be worth doing when the Vorking Time Directive (WTD) Dines in. I drive for a large East Anglian aulier with a......
2005? Is That The Time Already?
I BELIEVE our transport industry has one of the most abusive, macho and outdated management styles that I have experienced anywhere. I can cite many examples of this......
Everyone Thinks It Won't Affect Them It Seems Nobody Is
certain what effect the WorkingTime Directive (WTD) will have on the transport industry. You have drivers who believe a substantial pay rise is imminent. Others believe the......
Hands Off Our Orbitals... Birmingham Rules
I READ with interest your article headed "Manchester considers charge (CM 10 February). Please could you let me know where the two-lane, orbital road, that doesn't drain......