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News Of The Week
The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads OW which it rims. - -John......
Control Of Objectors: New Order
wHEN Mr. Thomas C. Gray, convy tractor, Letharn, applied to the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, Mr. H. Riches, for the renewal of his licence to carry livestock within a......
22 Overloading Charges Withdrawn
.A PPLICATION, was made by Mr. rAT. B. Jackman, assistant solicitor to West Riding County CounciL appearing on behalf of the police at Doncaster West Riding Court, on. Tuesday,......
Conditions Infringed : Plea For Leniency
T HE question of conduct arose before the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority, when Mr. T. A. Dingley, greengrocer and carrier, 178, .Prescot Road, Liverpool, applied for a......