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No Need For More Removers, Says Tribunal
• The appeal by Alan Walton, of Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, against a decision of the Northern LA was dismissed by the Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday. Hoults Ltd. and......
Policy Witness Called To Pi
• In order that a director of two associated companies making applications for new licences could attend to clarify the policy position, a public inquiry was adjourned in......
Scottish Co-ops Warned
• A warning was given in Glasgow last week by Mr. A. B. Birnie, Scottish LA, that maintenance must be to the highest possible standard and that the performance of individual......
Refusal With Regret
• Andrew Watson (Haulage) Ltd., appeared at Glasgow on January 7 to resume an application rejected on July 2 1968 and taken thereafter to the Tribunal which set aside the......