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Rha Withdraws—on Terms: La Limits 0 Grant
• Objection by the RHA to an operator's licence application by Private Enterprise Petrol Ltd, of Bransgrove, Hants, was conditionally withdrawn prior to the hearing at......
Christmas Turks Lead To £130 Fine
• The transport company whose four Turkish fitters went home for Christmas and subsequently let the plating and testing programme fall behind, was fined £130 with £22 12s costs......
0 Appeal Dismissed
• An appeal to the Transport Tribunal by Mr Dennis Clemetson, of Cockermouth, after his 0-licence application for two vehicles and trailers in possession and one vehicle and......
Nuttall Promises To Modernize Galloway
• Wm Nuttall Transport (Scotland) Ltd, based at Harthill, Lancashireohas acquired -the former James Galloway and Son business at Harthill and plans to base its Scottish......