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R.h.a. Debates Denationalization: Many More Hauliers...
I T is understood that a small com mittee has been set up by the Road Haulage Association to consider steps that might in the future be taken to release road transport from......
New By-pass For Merthyr
THIS afternoon Mr. James Callaghan, I Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry af Transport, will inaugurate the construction of a new trunk road to be built near Merthyr Tydfil......
Loss Ofoffice: No Compensation Yet
H AULIERS whose businesses have been taken over by the British Transport Commission, are beginning to demand that the Minister of Transport should speedily make an Order setting......
Newcastle Wants Compensation
TT is expected that Newcastle-on-Tyne / City Council will prepare a new report on the proposed nationalization of road passenger transport in the north-east for submission to......