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"railways Have No Right To Oppose Coach Fares."
THE railways now have no right to . object to road fares, having just cut their charges by 50 per cent. This statement was made, last Tuesday, by Mr. .1. H. Stirk, chairman of......
• Taxi Owners Oppose L.m.s. Bid For Express Service.
STRONG opposition to the application of the London Midland and Scottish Railway Co. to run an express service from Manchester railway stations to the Midland Hotel was raised by......
Yorkshire Commissioners And Contract Tickets.
RESTRICTIONS on the issue of bus contract tickets in Yorkshire are recommended to the Traffic Commissioners by the Yorkshire Regional Fares Committee. It is recommended that......
New G.t.a. Venture.
WE are informed that the General Travel Agency (London), Ltd., 53, Woburn Piece, W.C.1, has made arrangements to hold the charts for the Scarlet Pimpernel service to Ilfracombe,......
Coach Operators To Aid Blackpool's Prosperity.
COACH operators will play an important part in a scheme evolved by the Blackpool authorities to attract visitors during June. Every visitor staying in Blackpool for the five......
Station For Peterborough?
SUGGESTIONS by the chief constable for dealing with the traffic problem of Peterborough include a proposal for the establishment of a central bus station in Bridge Street,......
Leicester And Gas Buses.
IT is reported that there is a probability of a bus, employing gas as fuel, being put into service by Leicester Corporation,......
P.s.v. Operators And Non-members.
THE directors of P.S.V. Operators, Ltd., state that they will not be held responsible for payment to operators who accept from agents bookings effected on a P.S.V. ticket, when......
London-paris Service Increased.
FROM April 9 to the end of May the London -Paris service of Imperial Airways, Ltd., will be increased to four flights each way each week-day, and, from June to August, to five......
Undergraduates To Run Buses?
IT is reported that 12 Cambridge under graduates propose to seek permission from the Eastern Traffic Commissioners to run bus services to surrounding towns, under the title of......
Yorkshire Owners' Co-operative Buying Scheme.
A so= 1 -'' WE for the bulk buying of tyres and other goods required by members of Yorkshire Coach Oivners, Ltd., which represents over 150 independent operators, has been......
Successful Year Of London Coastal Coaches.
ON Friday last, a reception was held at the Victoria Station of London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., to celebrate the first anniversary of the opening of the premises. The station is......
West Riding Automobile Co. To Be Wound Up?
AT the 28th ordinary general meeting of the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., Sir George E. Leon, chairman, said that the directors had seriously considered......
Protection For Lancaster.
p ROTECTION for certain of Lan caster Corporation's services has been granted by the North-Western Traffic Commissioners. In some cases, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., is ordered......
Strong Opposition To " Contract " Clearing Houses.
WE understand that the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., London Coach Owners Federation and Thos. Tilling, Ltd., have......
Derby Station Approved.
FURTHER to the paragraph in our issue dated February 24, the special purposes committee of Derby Corporation has confirmed the proposal to establish a central bus station in the......