Drivers Pipped By The Post As 1967 Ldoy Contest Gets...
BY DEREK MOSES O N Saturday, Weymouth was once again the first centre to stage an eliminating round in the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition. Test 3 proved the toughest.......
Planning Council Cold-shoulders Hauliers
T HE Welsh Economic Regional Planning Council is apparently uninterested in seeking hauliers' views on future economic developments, Mr. Cohn Nelson, RHA South Wales area......
This Alarming Question—by Mr. Turner
RHA chairman Mr. Philip Turner put the great Freightliner controversy "Into perspective" at the South Wales area annual dinner last week. Even better methods of carrying traffic......
Tail Lifts Safety Rail
DEMONSTRATED last week by Wadhams (Coachbuilders) Ltd. of Waterlooville, Hants, was a safety device for use on electrohydraulically operated tail lifts to prevent an operator......