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Q Towards The End Of Last Year You
published a news item suggesting that electrically heated screens for buses and coaches, produced by Tripleuç would be a major feature at the Earls Court Show in 1968. This may......
If An Estate Car Is Used By A Director Of
a company in his capacity as a sales representative does he have to license it at the commercial rate of duty? Alternatively what licence rate applies for an estate car owned......
0 . What Is The Procedure An Operator Has To Adopt
to have his vehicle retested following an initial failure at a government testing station? A Those vehicles failing on any of the items set out in the Testers Manual will have......
Q I Have Seen Press Reports Suggesting
that road tunnels are being considered at Birmingham to link the central areas of the city with the ring roads. Are not road tunnels an obvious solution to the traffic......
Q Understand The Demarcation Line For
vehicles to come within the proposals of the Transport Bill is now to be 31 tons plated weight instead of 30cwt unladen as previously stated. But as there are many vehicles......