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Ryder's Developments Are Coming To Britain
RYDER Truck Rental, the British subsidiary of Ryder System Inc, of America, was operating 1,050 vehicles at the end of 1973. According to the company's annual report, 80 per......
Another 24 Qualify For Branicote
WEYMOUTH centre of the Driver of the Year Competition roust be feeling confident that its team for the Final will do well on September 8 at. Bramcote, Four of those appearing......
Lorry Parks Plan May Be Cut
THE GOVERNMENT is considering a sharp cut-back in the provision of lorry parks in towns and cities. Mr John Peyton, former Minister for Transport Industries, had plans for a......
OWING to a printer's error it was stated in last week's issue that the loTA and the CIT had begun merger negotiations. This is not the case and we apologize for any......