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Home Study Training Pack For Cpc Exams
TRANSPORT Driver Training (Esher) Ltd has produced a self study pack for the C.P.C. National Operations. The packs will be available for students to study for the October 1980......
Operator Goes For A Wipe-clean Body
Richardson's the Yorkshire based hauliers who specialise in the transport of foodstuffs are putting York Envoy grp vans in to service. Richardsons say the wipe clean grp panels......
New Bank Scheme
A NEW scheme from Williams & Glyn's Bank — the Business Borrowing Plan — offers loans for the purchase of plant and machinery or for extending or buying premises. Loans are......
Scottish Drivers Get Meals Tax Relief They Are First
A DEAL between the Transport and General Workers Union and the Inland Revenue should give 15,000 Scottish drivers a tax windfall of about £130 each. Negotiations between the tax......