17th November 1933, Page 52
17th November 1933
Page 52

Page 52, 17th November 1933
Well-known Personalities At M.h.c.s.a. Dinner
Bright Speeches a Feature of the Event MHERE was a large attendance at 1 the annual dinner of the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, held in London, last Friday, under......
Commissioners' Reasons For Fixing Summer Fares Period
Echo of South-Eastern and Metropolitan Fares Inquiry MBE Metropolitan and Sotth-East1 ern Traffic Commissioners have now published the grounds for their decisions with regard to......
No. 5 Committee's Recommendations On Fares
Second Report of Committee Now Issued T IIE second report and recommendations of No. 5 (Northern) Regional. Committee on Fares have now been published by Mr. 0. Cecil Poiver,......