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B.t.c. Accused Of Attempted Seizure
TNEFENDING three partners in a Pertrith haula g e firm who had been summoned on four counts for exceedin g the 50-rnale radius authorized by an ordinary permit g ranted by the......
Bodymak Ere Pay Talks Adjourned
MEGOTIATIONS for increased pay 'for about 50,000 men employed in the vehicle-buildin g industry have been adjourned, after a meetin g held in London, last week, by the U.K.......
Incentive Scheme For Tyre Life
A DVICE on how to increase tyre milea g e was g iven by Mr. J. H. Holt, of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., when he addressed the monthly meetin g of the Leeds branch of......
Municipal Purchases And Proposals
Birmingham Transport Committee is in the market for 225 double-deckers. St. Marylehone Borough Council is to purchase four low-loaders and two gully-emmiers front 'Roots. Ltd......
In A Line Or Two
All new Nuffield vehicles will be fitted with television suppressors. "Steel Tubes for Automobile Purposes" is rims British Standard The Manchester depot of Gandy. Ltd.. has......